
Home » Enrolment

Alpha Dance Academy Enrolment Form

Ready to enrol? Please fill out the form below and a member of Alpha Dance staff will contact you

    I am interested in:

    Child's Details

    Child's first name:

    Child's surname:

    Date of birth:


    Home phone:

    Parent's Details

    Parent's/guardian's name:

    Home phone:

    Work phone:


    Your Email:

    Other Contact Details

    Other contact's name:

    Home phone:

    Work phone:


    Medical Details

    Medical Conditions (for none, please type None):

    Allergies (for none, please type None):

    Current medication (for none, please type None):

    Family doctor:

    Doctor's Address:

    Family Doctor's phone:

    Please specify any special class requirements.
    (This may include hard of hearing or learning difficulties for example.):

    Fees, Supervision, Terms & Conditions

    Fees are split into four terms throughout the year and are payable in advance. There are no weekly or part term rates and no refunds will be given to those who do not wish to complete terms. If a new enrolment commences during a term, they will only be invoiced for the remaining weeks. The term fee includes all extra classes required for show rehearsals. Fees are non-refundable even in the case of illness, although missed classes may be made up by attending any other similar classes during that term with prior arrangement. In the unlikely event that we have to cancel classes, due to circumstances beyond our control, you may attend an alternative during that term to make up for any missed classes.

    We will require half a term’s notice if your child is leaving or changing classes. This small etiquette helps us in planning classes and knowing where to place anyone from our waiting list.

    I understand that Alpha Dance employees will not be responsible for my child before and after their scheduled class time. It will be up to the parent/guardian to ensure that there is a responsible adult over 18yrs to collect them at the correct time.

    I have read and agree with the above statement regarding dance fees and supervision

    I have read and agree to the Alpha Dance terms and conditions

    Consent and Marketing

    Please read the following paragraphs and tick the box if you give you consent.

    I give consent for my son/daughter to be filmed and photographed at our shows by a professional videographer/photographer. These will only be available for dancers family and friends to purchase.

    I consent to allow filming and photography (optional)

    I give consent for my son/daughter to be filmed and photographed by Alpha employees to be shared on Alpha Dance Academy’s social media pages e.g. Facebook /Instagram along with other local social media pages for parents to see our dancers and to advertise our classes. (optional)

    How did you hear about Alpha Dance? :

    Submit Your Details

    Please enter the letters below in to the box: